I’m wondering if God had a LinkedIn account and added their pronouns (they being, the trinity) what Gods pronouns would be? Maybe he/she or they/them?
I'm a woman of faith, I love God, I love people. The creation story described in the bible it says, 'So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.' Genesis 1:27
So, we’re made in Gods image, both male and female. Don’t ya love this?
Recently a teacher had his teaching rights taken from him here in Aotearoa. Did you see the story? Here is the link if you missed it.
Shouldn’t we be able to use whatever pronouns feel right? Isn't it just basic respectful communication to call people by their preferred name and pronouns? And why are we as Christians getting so worried about how people identify?! It one of the great Christian debates that puzzle the bejuzzle out of me.
I am convinced God does not care about pronouns
All this seems so far from what God wants us to focus on as people of faith. The religious leaders of the day asked/challenged Jesus by asking, "What's the greatest of all the commandments?" Jesus' answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and the second is like it, love your neighbour as yourself."
I just love the simplicity of his answer. Jesus moves the conversation away from angst and division. All through the gospels we see religious leaders trying to exclude certain people and enforce heavy rules and expectations. To me, there are similarities to the conversations I am hearing in the media.
I'm a Woman of Faith
I'm a bible believing Christian. Have been for over three decades. The issue of gender and orientation has been close to my heart for many years. If asked I would call myself a bi-sexual Christian.
Yes I have fallen in love with and married a man. And no, I don't for a minute believe God would love me less if I had fallen in love with and married a woman.
Does he care how we honour our marriage vows? Yes. Do I love and respect my husband enough to honour our wedding vows? Yes. Does being bi-sexual change my commitment to my partner. No.
My sexual orientation doesn't matter. My orientation doesn't need healing. My orientation does not make me broken.
Yes God wants to heals my wounds. Heal me so I can love and treat others as he loves and treats me.
The humble, sacrificing, incredible love shown in coming in the likeness of us, and dying for us, even on a cross! This is his/her/their greatest act of love for us.
And I'm convinced it's not who we love, but how we love and how we live our lives that counts.
And I believe God loves all of us
It is clear from reading the bible that God is interested in the fruit of the Holy Sprit being evident in our Christian lives. And what's the fruity fruit of the Spirit my friends?
The fruit is listed in Galatians 5: 22-23 as being, 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.' These fruits are threaded all though the New Testament. Again, these pointers move conversation away from angst and division, and towards peaceful living.
As a bible believing Christian, I am thankful we have seen conversion therapy outlawed in this county. I'm thankful for the homosexual law reforms, for same sex marriage, the removal of force against children, and for the family violence act. I believe these and other similar legislation give action to the second greatest commandment Jesus put to us, to treat others the way we want to be treated.
Let us breathe
I know there will be people who read this and agree, and there will be people who read this and not agree. For those of us who can't agree, it's okay that we don't agree.
I just ask that we all just breathe, the bible says God is as close to us as our breath. 'As long as my breath is in me and the spirit of God is in my nostrils …' Job 27:3-4
So let us breathe together and consider how we can love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul, and how we can love and care for each other.
Arohanui beautiful you.
Michelle x
Interested in finding more about LGBTQ in the Church?
Check out the Reformation Project
I also recommend reading this book: God and the Gay Christian
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